sábado, 5 de junho de 2021


 Presbyterian church founder, Pentecostal church founder and missionary

true biography of luigi francescon CCB

Luigi (Louis) Francescon was born in 1866 in the village of Cavasso Nuovo, a small agricultural center in Udine, Italy. Difficult economic times combined with the requirement for his family to pay tribute to the village overlord. Francescon was determined to overcome these dire circumstances of his youth. Although only educated to the sixth grade, he perfected his craft as an artisan. After earning a decent sum in mosaics, he joined the military. Following a brief term of enlistment, he achieved the requisite funds to emigrate to the United States.
Francescon arrived in Chicago on 3 March 1890. Departing from his Catholic roots, in 1891 he converted to Protestantism (like many another Italian migrant to the USA) through the preaching of the interdenominational evangelist, Michele (Michael) Nardi [qv]. Together with Waldensians Teofilo Gay and Filippo Grill (who formalized and built on Nardi's work), Francescon helped found the First Italian Presbyterian Church of Chicago, where he was appointed as deacon and later secretary/ treasurer. Though deeply influenced by Nardi's beliefs and ways of evangelizing, Francescon's reading of the bible ...

After we shared the information that luigi francescon was a masonry mason ,
i received numerous messages asking me how do you know this , do you have proof

Yes , after much investigation we managed to find out , part of luigi francescon 's life trajectory ,
and how he was influenced by American Freemasonry ,

As I described in previous posts , the Christian Congregation in Brazil ,
lied about the beginning and origin of its religious institution ,
stating that God sent one of his servants to leave Italy ,
and came to Brazil to found the CCB

We found out that luigi francescon never left italy to found any church ,
but in search of work , and when he left there he was a Catholic

And in his job search mission he met two religious Masons , michelle nardi ,
and pastor valdence teofilo gay , in which they helped him get a job

luigi francecon was invited by American Freemasonry to work on renovations of Masonic temples , and with time he ended up becoming a Mason , where he was received as a member , took a language course with them ( English language ) , began to attend temples solemnities three times a week , and from there he worked for Freemasonry for many years , he became a Masonry Mason working hospital eyelets masonic Chicago ,
Chicago Masonic Temple Cemetery , Chicago Masonic Lodges

Nobody here wants to denigrate the image of luigi francescon ,
but the lie of the Christian congregation in Brazil has to fall to the ground

We also found out that luigi francescon 's son was a Freemason , he himself declares this in video , on the day of his interview here on social networks , the fact that a person is a Freemason does not make him inferior or superior , I am indignant with the congregation 's lies Christian in Brazil , who managed to deceive us all

CCB even changed the names of people who had contact with luigi francescon ,
all with the aim of deceiving our brotherhood , but God has his watchmen ,
and through them he has been bringing out the whole truth about this religious system

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  A História por trás da história , vejam nesse vídeo fatos que a Congregação Cristã no Brasil escondeu por mais de cem anos , ex membro e p...